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2 Oct 2011


It's been a while since I've used foundation, about three years perhaps. I used to use Chanel or Dior photo finish foundation, the kind that contains clever light reflectors but it's not cheap and the downside is that it lasts about as long as regular store brands. However, the coverage was fantastic.

The trouble with a liquid foundation is that you want it to have good coverage but also be light and kind to the skin, I can't stand makeup that has a scent because it usually blocks the pores and I can smell it all day, it is headache inducing!

Thank goodness that I found Loreal True Match. I suppose now that I am in my 20's and not a teenager this foundation has been a God send, I am not sure how it would work on teenage skin, but then again, if you're a teenager, you don't need a lot of makeup! I have pale, sensitive skin and all in all the product has been a dream. I use it very lightly and I set it with an oil absorbing transparent powder (Rimmel, actually) and it keeps all day. I am very active in work and it still holds up.

As you can see from the photo below it really does give good coverage,  it matches my skin tone without caking or turning yellow/orange. Fabulous. And yes, I am naturally this pale!

It retails around £11. I've been using it every day for about 7 wks now and it still had loads left in the bottle.  For the record, I use the shade N1: Ivory.

P.S. more to follow on designer makeup brands vs cheaper alternatives! 

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