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24 Sept 2011

Aspirin Mask

Back in the day when things were pretty splendid I used to indulge in micro-dermabrasion treatments and at £50 a session these things weren't cheap.  I don't have bad skin, or spot prone skin but I do have temperamental skin that freaks out at any sign of change in the climate or in cosmetics, so as you can imagine it's an on-going battle to keep it happy! My granny told me about aspirin masks which are great for calming redness, reducing spots and keeping your skin clear.

You can buy the regular supermarket branded aspirin but ensure the tablets are not coated. Take a strip of aspirin, you can vary the amount of aspirin depending on the size of area you are treating, add small amounts of water to soften to the tablets, the goal is to make a paste. Once the tablets have softened you should be left with a thick, white paste. Apply it to your face and allow it to dry, it will turn quite chalky and there will be minimal mess as it is very drying. It's great for oily skin! Leave it on for as long as you wish, ten minutes is usually enough for great results and then rinse off.  Foolproof! 

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